Monday, November 17, 2008

Stubborn Macie

When I say you can't leave the table tell you finish you dinner I mean it. Macie has started to be picky with her food and won't eat dinner then 10 minutes later she is hungry go figure. (she gets that from me) So Last sat. night I layed down the law and told her she couldn't leave the table tell she finished (I am so mean sometimes) I had to run to the store and when I got back this is what I found. I think John forgot about her. She was out for the count. So I let her down and she didn't even finish. She seems to always get her way. Man I love this girl!


paige and jord said...

ha ha thats hilarious! she's adorable

Controlling My Chaos said...

Oooh, Annika has been pulling this on me for months. I've had to get really mean and tell her that if she CHOOSES to not eat her dinner, she is CHOOSING the consequence of being hungry because sister girl won't be eating until breakfast. Or dinner if she does it at lunchtime.

Matt and Breck said...

If that stubborn personality wasn't so dang cute!!

Amy said...

Your family cracks me up!!

The Belnaps said...

That is so funny! She is so dang cute

Rookie Blog said...

ROFL love the pics tildy. Now im trying to figure out who the disco chicken is next to you in your halloween picture. Can't be Nephi because....he doesnt grow facial hair....Still a great shot and wonderful stories!!!!

(btw this is Joe)

Anonymous said...

If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times.... What Macie wants, Macie gets! Just ask Gram!

macandmegan said...

She is one-of-a-kind! and I love it!

Breck said...

macie is soooooo darn cute!!!!!!! hey and say hi to them for me...kynra