Tuesday, November 11, 2008


My Sister in law Maridyn Tagged me and I was supposed to post the 4th picture in the 4th folder on my computer and this is what it was My cute Dallin cheesing it in the car. Their really isn't much to say about the picture except that he has grown up alot this pic was in 06. He has lost those cheeks. He makes me smile and laugh every day.
I probably did this all wrong but what ever, send the tag blog police after me I dare you. I tag Breck, Amy, Jill Kemp and Jill Scott so take that Ha , Ha.


Jill said...

Alright..I'm going to try to do this since I've been blogging all night, so what is one more post right?!

Rookie Blog said...

So great. You totally did it right. I love it.